Kosovo B Project_ 1st Study Tour
The EuropeAid project, “Feasibility Study for Environmental and other measures on the Kosovo B Thermal Power Plant”, financed by EU Delegation in Kosovo, referring the feasibility study for the refurbishment of Kosovo B power plant in view of the plant’s compliance with the Energy Community Treaty requirements notably with the requirements of the Large Combustion Plants Directive (Directive 2001/80/EC) and the Industrial Emissions Directive (Directive 2010/75/EU). The project will therefore carry out all activities needed for performing a technical, economical, financial and environmental feasibility of upgrading the Kosovo B Thermal Power Plant in line with the EU acquis – also related to extension of the plants lifetime and capacity.
On April 3 – 7, 2017, a delegation of the Beneficiary visited Italy for the first study tour. The study tour was organized by ambiente s.c., with the collaboration of Eptisa Servicios de Ingeniería S.L. 2. Objectives of the study tour.
The goal of the study tour was to provide professional capacity building for issues related to Task 2 and Task 3:
Task 2 “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)”
Task 3 “Preparation of the feasibility study” 3. Organization of the Study Tour
It was a five-day study tour held from 3rd April to 7th April 2017 in different locations in Italy.
The study tour programme was composed by:
– a visit to ambiente s.c.’s headquarters, in Carrara
– a visit to Enel’s “Torrevaldaliga Nord” TPP, in Civitavecchia
– a visit to the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, in Rome